Postgraduate Studies

Resultado de imagen para psicologia del deporte

It is difficult the task that I have to do this week, not because it is a difficult task but I have never thought if I would like to carry out and study a postgraduate course.
If I had to choose a postgraduate degree to specialize my career (psychology) I think I would choose an area linked to sport, I think of an idea such as: sports psychology.
The psychology of sport is a branch of psychology, which is not deeply studied here in Chile, but I was wrong only 2 universities studied but very superficially. However, until last year, this university taught a course for the psychology degree, but for "bureaucratic issues" they stopped doing the course.

Well, I am interested in sports psychology because it is an area of ​​psychology that studies the psychological factors of each person, in relation to performing some physical activity, as well as the ways in which participation in sport and exercise influence in psychological development and physical condition.

What I would like to study in this area is how sports in children influence their behavior, and especially because when we are small as human beings the way to perform physical activity is through playing with your classmates. I have the idea of if you ask a child: "Do you like to play?" the child responds with great enthusiasm and joy because the game in children is a promoter of development, so as a consequence I would like to study how sport promotes development in childhood, through psychological processes.


  1. It's so cool! I like to sports psychology too, but is so difficult specialize in this area because, as you wrote, there aren't universities that especialize in that. Anyway, I wish yo all the best for your future!

  2. I loved how you think about sports. I think that specially for the kids (but also for adults) can be a very helpful. I hope you can specialize in this area someday.

  3. Man, i'm very interested in sports psychology too, and also can be wonderful to work in this area with children. We need to get organized in the faculty to bring back sport psychology.

  4. I think that the sports psychology is a field that is growing each day and i don't see away the possibility that it would be a specialty in few years, it would be very nice!

  5. What focus would use you to work in that area? I mean, something constructivist, neuroscientific or what?


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