my favorite piece of technology

My favorite piece of technology is a cellphone. I understand that the cellphone (or smartphone) in the actually world is very important, considering that his have much applications important, for example: social network, Facebook, whatsapp, and also I cant carry out caller a every my friendship. 

My parents did gift for my first cellphone, I did have nine years old, because they think that communications with for son is very important, fundamentally if happen a extraordinary event  or catastrophic event, for instance, a earthquake. 

The cellphone es very important for my, because I used everyday and constantly. Since for my the cellphone is more that a piece technology, he is a tool of work for the university, and also I used for remember  important instance  

Sometime I would like that not exist it piece technology (the cellphone) because I hate that he a change more social relations. 


  1. Great post! At least in the university I see impossible a life without smartphones, because they're an important tool in our university work


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